Saturday, May 16, 2009

Jujube. I bought a Li and Lang varieties from Raintree Nursery. There were some odd phone conversations between the initial order and the time when these finally arrived, but when they arrive they made me feel it all had been worth the trouble. Nice root system, larger than expected and they already started breaking far so good. All I can say is that if you are patient with their customer service (seems like they are incredibly busy there) you will be rewarded with good plants.
This is, I believe, a highly obscure fruiting tree for us Floridians and I have to wonder why. It does great in our weather. It can take extreme heat and freezes. It is drought tolerant. No known pests bother it and it does not even occupy much space since it has an up-right growth habit...not too tall either, which makes the fruit easy to harvest. The actual fruits look like a mini-pear to me...if eaten when almost ripe they taste crunchy and apple-like, if eaten when more mature they taste sweet like a date. Fruits can be dried, candied, made into jams, or eaten out of hand. Most literature out there says that two are needed for good fruit set. The Li and Lang combo is ideal for this purpose.Posted by Picasa

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