Friday, June 13, 2008

Arabian Jasmine

Despite its name, I don't sense a fragrance in these pretty flowers. They are, however, one of the toughest plants I have ever had. The ones pictured here were severely neglected while I was going to school...and stayed in the same pots-I am embarrassed to say-for about three years!
Being the lazy gardener that I am, when I finally got around to planting them in the ground, I did not even tease their roots. A few months later they are thriving!
Nicely behaved plant, it can be shaped however you'd like...I love the specimens they have in Park Avenue (Winter Park), they are shaped like you would classically shape a ligustrum. Stunning. I have never seen a 'bad' bug on them or any other type of damage. Oh, they are easy to propagate too...but their two minuses in my book are that they are not particularly attractive to good pollinators (at least not that I've noticed) and they are not edible either.
I think I succeeded at making this pretty flowering thing sound like a plastic plant.
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