Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Future Tomato Hornworm punks

I had initially posted info thinking these were tomato hornworm eggs...thanks to Sally I was able to find out that these are tomato hornworm droppings...if you find these it means that-even when you might not see them at first sight-your tomato plants are harboring tomato hornworms...so get ready to go find them with a little flashlight at night or sunrise/sunset time...
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Anonymous said...

I just found your blog and I think it is great, the "eggs" of the tomato hornworm you found are actually the poo of the creature. Close up the poo actually looks like little flowers. I always look around all of my tomato plants for the poo to know if my plants are infested, and the newly deposited poo, is kind of shiny, so you can narrow down the area of your plant to look. Keep up the great work!!

HelloPame said...

Thank you so much for letting me know sally! That is great info! I will also correct the posting...Thanks a bunch! ☺