Sunday, June 1, 2008

Ginger Plants!

Finally! It took about four months for the ginger experiment to come to fruition. I started these from a rhizome I got at the grocery store (broke it into a few pieces, half buried them in soil & kept in shady warm spot)... Soon I will plant them in our back garden in a nice raised bed where the rhizomes will have room to roam. Now, if the squirrels stop messing with our garden, I won't have to buy ginger at the store. Success!
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Anonymous said...

I'm trying to grow ginger but couldn't. What kind of soil did you use?

HelloPame said...

Hi Chuy-

I used regular potting soil that I bought at Lowes. It took almost two months of watering it and keeping it in a warm & shady spot in the garden before I saw any green coming up.

Today, actually, I realized that two of the ryzomes that I was getting ready to toss out (I had divided the original ginger root in six pieces)actually had begun just a much slower pace than the other four cuts.

Let me know if I can help with anything else.