Tuesday, June 24, 2008

JULY gardening in Florida

Found this nifty info for July Gardening in Florida:

July Vegetable Gardening Guide

Start broccoli, cauliflower, collards, and cabbage so you will have transplants for the Fall.

Fertilize peppers, okra, and other warm season vegetables so they will produce throughout the summer.

When nighttime temperatures stay in the 80's and above, blossoms of tomato, bush beans, cucumbers, and peppers may drop. If temperatures stay cooler, plants will still produce.

Remember to pick cucumbers, squash, beans, okra, and peppers regularly so plants will continue producing.

Blossom end rot on tomatoes or a similar rot on peppers is caused by a calcium deficiency or fluctuations in soil moisture. Try to keep plants evenly moist. Discard rotting fruit.

Remove all diseased vegetable plants or infected leaves from the garden. Prevent the spread of a disease by watering plants carefully at the soil level.

As basil plants begin to bloom, cut plants back just above a pair of leaves to encourage growth.

For more info visit-> http://bradford.ifas.ufl.edu/

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