Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Lemon Balm & Lemon Thyme

Growing in the ground in the summer, yes! These thrive in an area where they get full sun during winter and partial sun during the hotter months. Both herbs are versatile from a culinary stand point & are easy to propagate by placing them in water in a bright area (no direct sunlight). Lemon balm is delicious in salads, with fish (raw or cooked with the fish), and in teas...Iced Lemon Balm tea with brown rice syrup is absolutely delicious! Be aware that Lemon Balm can be invasive, but that is not the case in Central Florida gardens. Lastly, if you have ever had trouble growing thyme in Florida, I highly recommend Lemon Thyme, which -at least for me- is a lot easier to grow.
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