Sunday, June 22, 2008

Today's Plantings

Acorn Squash, from seeds I saved.

Yellow tomatoes, from seeds I saved. ***Not the smartest thing to do (when night temps stay above 80, flowers are likely to drop) but I had some extra seeds and wanted to experiment and see what happened to this variety.***

Heirloom red tomato (lost the name!), from seeds I saved. ***Same clarification as above***

More Four O'Clocks, from saved seeds as well.

Fuchsia Boliviana Alba...this one has edible fruit and can take a few months to germinate, ugh!

Solanum Muricatum, aka Pepino Dulce...also takes a while to sprout...can be weeks.

Annona Squamosa, aka Sugar Apple...this one takes the crown for slow sprouting: it may take up to six months!

Goji Berries from seeds saved from dried fruit.

I am placing the last three where the water will still get to them but kinda hidden ...if I don't hide them I will lose my mind checking for sprouting every single day!

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