Thursday, June 12, 2008

Yacon aka Polymnia sonchifolia

Yes! I found a supplier for Yacon aka Bolivian Sunroot. I tasted this yummy tuber in Bolivia. DELICIOUS!
I ordered from

Here is the info they posted on their site about the tubers:

"Attractive. An Andes food staple for centuries, this exciting and delicious new introduction to North American gardeners is easy to grow, delicious and high yielding. Related to dahlias and sunflowers, Yacon produces an abundance of large, crispy sweet, juicy tubers that are easily digested. The flavor and texture is reminiscent of Asian pears and jicama. The tubers can be baked like a potato, or cut up for stir frying or salads. We favor eating it raw and sliced as a healthy low calorie snack. Tubers contain inulin, helpful for blood sugar control. Here in Oregon a single plant can produce enough to fill a 5 gallon bucket and a wheelbarrow full in Southern California. Plants produce two types of tubers, large lateral tubers weighing up to 2 lbs with no eyes which are excellent to eat. Plants also produce an easily divided crown of small propagative tubers with multiple eyes, easily stored until the next planting season. Leaves are dark green, large, and velvety. Annual. Open Pollinated. 3 - 6 feet. "

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