Thursday, July 3, 2008

Garden News

After a quick garden walk this morning, I was amazed to see that many of our tomato plants are still producing quite well. The yellow tomatoes are doing best and they are our favorite ones, so good news for us!

We also got our first cantaloupes & the yard long beans are starting to sprout all over the place. If you ever decide to plant these remember that although classified as a bush bean, they spread like crazy. One seedling will eventually occupy about a five feet by five feet area...and this is a conservative measure...I will post approximate fruit measures once they go into full blown production mode.

A hummer that was feeding at the Scarlet Runner Bean 'station' when done flew right in front of my face and did little circles as to catch a full view of my round cheeks...he nodded a quick 'thank you' and went on his way. That was the closest a hummer has ever come to me and -of course- I had not brought my camera...oh well, the moment was unforgettable camera or no camera.

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