Sunday, September 21, 2008

No gardening this week...

...Well...except for tomorrow when I'll lay the 36 bags of mulch in a small garden area and weed as much as possible. Then is off to clean house as we are going on a mini vacation for a few days and friends will be staying at our place.

Today it was church, movie (Ghost Town-FUNNY!), reading in the nook while enjoying the fat rain drops, having some java & listening to Miles Davis...test-painting on canvas something I want to free hand on a wall (above--not my original design), and now off for burritos at my favorite Mexican place and to but loads of wine.


It will take me about ten days from when we get back to finish the big weeding and re-mulching job & to replant some large trees & shrubs (making room in the sunniest area for fruiting stuff)...and then, the part I look forward the most: building my raised beds...or at least the first three or so...I will post pics...I found a site with nice instructions and pics in case anyone out there is planning to do the same. Have fun & enjoy the slightly cooler weather!
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GreenJeans said...

I love the owl!! Will you come paint it at my house too??

Have a great vacation! :-)

Oh! And I'm looking at the straw bale gardening concept... ever heard of it?

HelloPame said...

Thanks GJ!!!

Seriously, the owl is super easy to can do it!!!! :--)

Yep, actually saw straw bale gardening in someone's blog a while back, might have been scarecrow's blog, but not sure. Sounds neat...but one of its few draw backs is the water issue, if I remember correctly...let me know if you are going to try it...later! & thanks for the good wishes for the trip!