Monday, October 13, 2008

Lady of the Night

That is the cool name of the plant on this pic. I realized today while watering the back garden that it is ready to bloom for the first time! And I am going to miss it!!!! Ugh! I read that this flower smells so heavenly that people actually plant parties to watch (and smell) these bloom! And this time I will be a million miles away! :-( Below is a close up of the bud.
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Mary said...

Oooooh! Where did you get this one? My grandfather had one when I was growing up in Vzla. He would stay up and video tape the flower opening up. Good memories...
I love all the pictures.

HelloPame said...

Glad it brought back good memories! :--) Funny how those things work, I keep finding myself looking for plants that remind me of my grandma's garden...

A gardening friend gave it to me last year...I'd put you in touch with her but she has no computer...just lots of plants :--)

I've never tried to propagate this one but being a succulent it should not be that difficult...when I mail you the seeds, next week, I'll include a little leaflet for you to start your own...that is how I got mine going. If it does not root just let me know and I'll cut another piece.