Monday, November 10, 2008

Tile-Breaking Therapy

As you can see, hubby got me a new camera. However, it has been an emotionally mixed day. I got the camera this morning, then as I drove to the store to get a frame for a project I heard the dreaded words "License and registration, please." *&(%(@#$%(

Yup, got a $140 ticket today. I was looking for the store and was on the right lane to turn...and then realized it was really the next turn where I needed to go...well, I drove over five feet of white stripes (the ones that indicate a right turn)...a semi-calculated wrong-doing since there was not a soul around thing you know, just like that, a copper is flashing its lights at me. The rest is history. $140, yup, a rather harsh punishment for someone with no ticket history. Oh well.

So I drove home, sobbing like an eeediot, used the frustration to break tiles (very Greek, right?) and continued my slow-going mosaic project.

UGH! Still mad about being so dumb.

Anyhow, below are some pics of what's blooming these days around the 140 buck-poorer home of ours.

I'll add the names of the plants tomorrow...too tired tonite :-)
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GreenJeans said...

new camera = good
$140 ticket = bad

Will they let you go to traffic school to get it reduced? My oldest daughter did that when she got a speeding ticket.

HelloPame said...

Traffic school the lady cop (who seemed so utterly pleased with herself btw) told me that traffic school is good if I want to get rid of the 3 points in my license.

I don't have any points in my license other than not to sure I want to pay for the school too...something to think about...

Thanks for the suggestion!

What kills me is that it was not even speeding! It was such a lame lame thing! Our cop friends said they were very surprised about such a high ticket, they said that most cops would have given someone with no history a warning and would have left it at that. Just my luck!

I did do something wrong and I own that fact. The punishment, however, seems damn harsh. Yes, I said damn. Don't usually use that kind of language here but I am so damn angry.


Thanks, I feel better now.