Sunday, June 14, 2009

No, seriously...


I used to think of squirrels as cute. Then I saw how they destroy just about everything they touch: bird feeders, seedlings, potted plants, most of my flowering vines...the list goes on and on and on.

Now I am starting to wonder how they'd taste roasted.

Look at how comfortable they feel now eating fallen bird seed. Eating on their *&%### belly!!! "Uh, would you like a drink with and umbrella to accompany your main course?"
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Unknown said...

I laughed when I read this.We have the same problem--they have destroed two bird feeders.

HelloPame said...

Only two???? Lucky you! We've gone through many many more...I am going to build one out of hardware next month. Solid. And I hope it breaks their teeth and they need a root canal.

HelloPame said...

One more thing...I wonder where dead squirrels are found. I only see the ones that get run over by cars (not mine, I swear)...but never those that go kaput due to 'natural causes.' Hummmm, something to think about, no? ☺