Friday, August 29, 2008

Well, well, well...

I have been trying for about a year now to grow pagoda flower...(too lazy to look up the real latin name). These grow tall, have gorgeous foliage, and have a pagoda-shaped red flower...I have babied a few plants a friend gave me but nothing, they always pooped on me. While I was doing my post-under the weather weeding I found this: a strong & happy pagoda plant! I guess she was not happy where I had originally planted her. I have no idea how this thing got to the front garden (my prior attempts at growing it where in the back garden). Amazing.
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GreenJeans said...

Hey GF! My pagoda is so weird, it was given to me 2 years ago and I stuck it in the ground and I swear, it hasn't grown a bit! It's still under 1' tall and has never even thought about blooming. Congrats on finding your random plant. I guess weeding does pay off! :-)

HelloPame said...

I know! Pagodas are super moody, aren't they? Just give it a few months...I am sure you'd find a pagoda flower sticking her head up in the weirdest of places.

Weeding does pay off.

Makes the hubby happy ☺

GreenJeans said...

Weeding. Ugh, I need to do SO much of that. But in the meantime, I just found a local person who is selling a bunch of fruitbearing plants in 3 gal pots for $5 each. I'm going over in the morning to see what she has. I know she has strawberry guavas, figs and papayas... not sure what else. Wish me luck! :-)