Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wind, rain, wind & more rain

No time for gardening lately...but, I did go running in the rain today.

I had flashbacks of when my mom let me go out & play in the rain when I was five.

It was SO great! Slushy shoes and does not get to run in the rain in Central Florida that much, when it rains during the summer it is usually accompanied by lightning...and that is something you don't mess with in this part of town...they don't call it the lightning capital of the world for nutin'

It made me happy for the reminder of the month!


Anonymous said...

This post made me smile, we played in Fay's rain and it brought back childhood memories for me too. But then my 3 yr old fell into a fireant mound and we had to call it quits. We didn't have those in Kentucky when I was a kid! But the kids (and I) had fun while we were out there. It's so rare that we can go out during the rain here in Florida. :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh my, is your 3 year old fine now?
I bet she will never ever forget playing with you in the rain when the other kids are forced to stay inside ☺

GreenJeans said...

Oh yeah, she's the toughest kid I've ever seen. She's fine, thanks for asking!

I know what you mean, so many other parents freak out because their kids get dirty or pick up frogs or something. My girls are all about having fun and getting dirty. I guess they learned it from me. (But I don't pick up frogs, yuck!) :-)

HelloPame said...

Good on ya & your daughters! I was telling my hubby the other day that'd like to play soccer for no other reason than having an excuse to play in the mud!

Fortunatelly he is like me and would rather ruin an old t-shirt and shoes but enjoy the moment.

Frogs rule, but yeah, they are sort of slimey and gooey...